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Member States

This section of discusses Internet policy initiatives in the EU Member States, between 2008-2012, with the exception of France and Britain which are discussed in individual sections of the site.  If you are student, you should check my books for citation and referencing.

 Now that there is a European Copyright Directive (2017) this section may look out of date. At the time when most of these articles were written - 2008-2012 - matters were more fluid. Several Member States were look at how they could implement laws to address the problem of the day, which was peer-to-peer file sharing. For those who are studying this area of policy, it's an important part of the context for the 2017 law, and indeed for subsequent developments that may not deal with copyright, but do seek to enforce against content using similar measures.

 If you like the articles in this section, you may like my books  A Copyright Masquerade: How Corporate Lobbying Threatens Online Freedoms and The Closing of the Net