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Comon (Danish IT magazine)

Folketinget blev vildledt om 3 strikes-indgreb

In Comon (Danish IT magazine)

25 November 2008 

"Også andre steder kan man ved selvsyn konstatere, hvordan tillægsparagraffen glimrer ved sit fraværd, blandet andet hos den britiske akademiker Monica Horten, der driver denne blog, hvor hun så sent som i dag har analyseret den aktuelle version af telekom-pakken, der ligger klar til afstemning."

  • Article Views: 9461

About Iptegrity is the website of Dr Monica Horten, independent policy advisor: online safety, technology and human rights. Advocating to protect the rights of the majority of law abiding citizens online. Independent expert on the Council of Europe Committee of Experts on online safety and empowerment of content creators and users.  Published author, and post-doctoral scholar, with a PhD from the University of Westminster, and a DipM from the Chartered Institute of Marketing.  Former telecoms journalist,  experienced panelist and Chair, cited in the media eg  BBC, iNews, Times, Guardian and Politico.

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