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Techdirt 27 May 2011

'New' ACTA Version Published, EC Pushes For Signing

by Mike Masnick

27 May 2011

citing this article in EU Commission says sign ACTA - Parliament not so sure :

more important, is the news that the EC is pushing really hard to get it signed: The European Commission is piling on pressure for ACTA (Anti-counterfeiting Trade Agreement), and is quietly preparing a legal proposal for the EU to sign it. The news comes in the context of ongoing discussion in the European Parliament on the question of whether to obtain a legal opinion on ACTA's compatibility with the Treaties. In its recent Communication on IPR Enforcement, the Commission suggests it is a fait accompli that the EU will sign ACTA in 2011. Indeed that all of the countries involved in the negotiation will sign.

  • Article Views: 8537

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